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Parsi Calendar

This is Parsi Roj Calendar followed by Zoroastrians all over the world. This Gujarati Roj calendar has some unique features like it shows dates of English and Gujarati Calendar. It also shows us holidays in India and Full Moon and No Moon Day. Special Days like Salgrehs of different Agiyaries are also mentioned. This calendar starts from August 2024 to August 2025. Calendar is written in Gujarati and English Language.

Today's Parsi Roj is  Shehrevar Roj of Khordad  Month in 1394 Yazad. 
(Last Updated - 17/10/2024)    

Rest in Peace - Sir Ratan Tata

Parsi Calendar 2024 - 2025

(Zoroastrian Calendar)

Parsi Calendar 24 - 25 (PalV's Kasti)_Page_03.jpg

Insights of Zoroastrian Calendar

Zoroastrian Calendar divides time into Sal (Year), Mah (Month), Aathvadiyu (Week), Roz (Day) and Geh (Roughly 5 hours). A Roj (Day)  begins at dawn of sun. Thus, morning hours before dawn are assigned to the previous day. Each day is divided into five Geh

In Shenshai calendar, a year consists of 12 Mahs. Each Mah has 30 Roj. Each of these days is known as a Roj having distinct name. As 30 Roj * 12 Mah = 360 Roj, there are an extra 5 Roj which are known as Gathas added to the 12th month to make a 365 day year.

Name of Gahs

  • Hawan (Sunrise to Afternoon)

  • Rapithwin (Afternoon to 3 PM)

  • Uzerin (3 PM to Sunset)

  • Aiwisruthrem (Sunset to Midnight)

  • Ushahin (Midnight to Sunrise)


A English calendar has 365.25 days thus we have leap year every 4 years. Our Calendar and English Calendar started diverging. They again aligned in 1006 C.E. resulting in Navroze occurring on the Vernal Equinox. Thus, the Scholars of Zoroastrian Community decided to add extra month after every 120 years to sync both the calendars.


The Indian Parsis added an extra month in 1129 C.E. Consequently, New Year, which originally correlated with the vernal equinox on March 21st, has since fallen earlier in the English calendar year such that it now occurs in August

Meaning of Day names in Parsi Calendar

The months and the days in the Shenshai calendar are named after divine Gods. There is very high religious significance of those names, thus, the frequent calling their names of Gods of both day and month are mentioned at every act of Parsi worship.

The first seven days celebrate Ahura Mazda and the Amesha Spentas, (lit. Beneficent Immortals) sometimes called the Archangels. They are the highest spiritual beings created by Ahura Mazda.

Every Roj with their meanings are shown below:

The 1st week celebrates Amesta Spentas:

1. Hormazd -The Lord of Wisdom, Zarathushtra's name for God

2. Bahman - Good Mind or Purpose. Presides over animals.

3. Ardibehesht -  Highest Asha. Presides over fire.

4. Shehervar - 'Desirable Dominion'. Presides over metals.

5. Asfandarmad - Holy (or Beneficent) Devotion. Presides over the Earth.

6. Khordad - Wholeness (Perfection or Health). Presides over the waters.

7. Amardad - Immortality or Life. Presides over plants.

The 2nd week celebrates LIGHT and NATURE:

8. Dae-pa-Adar - The Creator's day before Adar.

9. Adar - Fire

10. Avan -Waters

11. Khorshed - The Shining Sun

12. Mohor - The Moon

13. Tir - The Star Sirius, brightest star in the heavens

14. Gosh - Sentient Life or the Ox-Soul

The 3rd week celebrates moral qualities:

15. Dae-pa-Meher - The day of the Creator before Mithra

16. Meher - Yazad of the Contract

17. Sarosh - Yazad of 'Hearkening', i.e. paying attention

18. Rashne  - Yazad of Truth

19. Fravardin - The Guardian Angels

20. Behram - Victory, Triumph over evil

21. Ram - Peace, Joy

22. Gowad -  Wind, atmosphere

The 4th week celebrates religious ideas:

23. Day-pa-Din - The day of the Creator before Den

24. Din - Religion, also Inner Self or Conscience

25. Ashishvangh - Blessings or Rewards

26. Ashtad - Rectitude, Justice

27. Asman - Sky

28. Zamyad - Earth

29. Marespand  - Holy Word (Manthra)

30. Aneran - Endless Light

Month names in Parsi Calendar

The month-names (with Avestan language names in parentheses), in the ordinal sequence used   today, are:

1) Farvardin          2) Ardibehesht

3) Khordad            4) Tir

5) Amardad           6) Shehrevar

7) Mehr                 8) Aban

9) Azar                 10) Dae

11) Bahman         12) Asfand or Asfandiar

The days on which Roj-name and Mah-name dedications intersect are festival days of special worship. Because Ahura Mazda has four day-name dedications, the month dedicated to Him has four intersections (the first, eighth, fifteenth and twenty-third day of the tenth month). The others have one intersection each, for example, the nineteenth day of the first month is the day of special worship of the Fravashis.

Important festivals

  • Gahambars

    • Maidyozarem ('mid-spring' feast)

    • Maidyoshahem ('mid-summer' feast)

    • Paitishahem (feast of 'bringing in the harvest')

    • Ayathrem ('bringing home the herds')

    • Maidyarem ('mid-year'/winter feast)

  • Hamaspathmaidyem (feast of 'All Souls')

  • Noruz (New Years)

  • Jashan-e Mihragan

  • Jashan-e Tiragan

  • Jashan-e Sadeh

In the United Kingdom, most Zoroastrians are Indians who follow the Shahanshahi calendar. The Iranian Zoroastrians mostly follow the Fasli calendar, some people follow both calendars. But, most Parsi of India follow Shenshai Calendar

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